Turkey Trot 10K Training – Week 2

Week two of my training is done, and quite frankly, I’m not feeling too confident. I know without a doubt I’ll be able to finish the race. The question is will I be able to do it while running or will I have to walk for a large portion?

On the plus side, I had some great runs this week. I can really see my stamina increasing, and with that my speed. Here’s how my week went-

Scheduled – strength. Actual – rest.
I went to the wedding expo with my sisters instead of doing any working out. While the expo wasn’t all that exciting, we did make plans for our race this coming weekend, and my sister showed off her fancy new Brooks running shoes. Major shoe envy over here!

Scheduled – 2.5 miles. Actual – 2.5 miles/12:16 pace
This treadmill run felt great! It was the first time I tried scheduled walk breaks instead of just running until I can’t any more. I did intervals of .9 miles running and .1 walking. It cut down my walking intervals but I still felt great throughout. I’m hoping in the next week or so I can break that 12 minute mile threshold. Maybe at the race this weekend?

Scheduled – 30 minutes cross training. Actual – 30 Day Shred
I skipped the gym for literally no reason today. None. My alarm went off and I said “nope.” During the kids’ nap time I figured it was as good a time as any to workout, so I resurrected Jillian for old times sake. I thought that since I’m in much better shape now than I’ve been in the past when I’ve tried this DVD that it’d go much better. I was kind of right.

The actual workout felt great. I was able to keep up, my squats were deep, and I worked up a great sweat. And then I woke up the next morning…

Scheduled – 2 miles and strength. Actual – rest.
My legs burned. The pain was so deep and so burny that I could barely walk. It was so awful. Never again, Jillian.

Scheduled – rest. Actual – rest.
Still painful. Still trouble walking. Next time? Yoga.

Scheduled – 40 minutes cross training. Actual – 40 minutes on the arc trainer + strength (push/pull)
My legs still hurt today, but not nearly as much. The arc seemed to stretch out what needed stretching and moved that lactic acid around a bit.

Scheduled – 3.5 miles. Actual – 3.33 miles/12:40 pace.
This was my fastest non-race road pace to date! I ran to the boy’s soccer game, which is only 3 miles from us. I added a small loop to get to the extra half mile, but stopped a bit short. I also utilized the .9/.1 plan and it was great! It helps keep me motivated to run further and faster knowing that in just a few minutes I’ll get to walk.

This week has a slightly modified plan because of Saturday’s race. Instead of resting Thursday I’ll do my cross training, then rest Friday. Saturday is the Twin Cities 5k, and Sunday is the marathon! No, I’m not running the marathon, but I will be marshalling! So excited to spend the weekend doing running related things. Also, who even am I anymore?

2 thoughts on “Turkey Trot 10K Training – Week 2

  1. I did the Twin Cities 5K last year! I walked most of it but it was still the best 5K time I’d ever had. The medal you get at the end makes you feel really awesome (or maybe that’s just me). Good luck!

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